The office only receives by appointment. In order to fix an appointment, you can use the service Infostudenti (, selecting ‘First year international students’ from the drop-down menu. Applicants who are not enrolled, yet, can register to the service as external user.


Welcome Desk - Infostudenti · Fees and how to pay them · Financial support · Study awards · Student collaborations · Part-time enrolment · Transferring to a 

Students must submit another application through the online procedure, indicating the newly chosen exam session. Once paid, the graduation fee is valid for the new session also. Postponements are not allowed. - Registrar - Infostudenti via S. Sofia, 9/1 Guidance: tel. +39 02 503.12113 - 12145 Internships and work placements: tel. +39 02 503.12032 fax +39 02 503.12146 To contact the office or book an individual interview: > Orientamento alla scelta del corso e supporto allo studio > Sportello orientamento Each student must contact a potential supervisor with a topic proposal.

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Please check the information available on your programme website and on the University portal. The application procedure is open from 12 March to 30 May 2021 for non-EU applicants and 30 June 2021 for all other applicants Applications must be submitted online via the dedicated platform accessible on the UNIMI Portal.; Before starting the application process, check carefully if you satisfy the academic and language requirements for admission, as set out below. The office only receives by appointment. >> L'Università degli Studi di Milano (abbreviata in UniMi e nota anche come La Statale), fondata nel 1923, è la più grande istituzione universitaria pubblica di Milano e della Lombardia. È l'unico ateneo italiano a far parte della LERU (League of Europ

Gli studenti che non abbiano  dovrà darne tempestiva comunicazione alla Segreteria tramite Servizio Infostudenti. rapporto : L'indirizzo IP primario del sito è  disponibile alla pagina segreterie-infostudenti/modulistica-generale e consegnarlo alla segreteria del proprio  7 feb 2021 laurearsi giurisprudenza unimi l'esame, il candidato dovrà darne tempestiva comunicazione alla Segreteria tramite Servizio Infostudenti. Sportello online delle Segreterie Studenti: (accedere con le credenziali di ateneo, o registrarsi preventivamente) Ufficio Didattica  Università degli Studi di Milano. Via Festa del Perdono, 7, 20122 Milano MI, Italy · · 02 503111 ·

Students who forfeit an exam must promptly notify the Registrar through the Infostudenti Service. Students must submit another application through the online procedure, indicating the newly chosen exam session. Once paid, the graduation fee is valid for the new session also. Postponements are not allowed.

(Students with disabilities: 50% of extra time; Students with SLDs 30%). For certain degree programmes in Law, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Science and Technology, Political, Economic and Social Sciences and the Humanities, the plan of study must be submitted in accordance with specific procedures and deadlines. Contact Infostudenti for more information.

Unimi Solutions works with modular design of infrastructure to avoid costly ground work and only dig up the street once.
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In order to fix an appointment, you can use the service Infostudenti (, selecting ‘First year international students’ from the drop-down menu. Applicants who are not … Il Dipartimento di Bioscienze è luogo di ricerca d’eccellenza nei diversi ambiti delle scienze biologiche: da quelli della curiosity-driven nel campo delle ricerca di base, a quelli orientati verso le basi molecolari della vita e nella ricerca applicata volta a capire e combattere gravi patologie umane. Il Dipartimento di Bioscienze è luogo di didattica nel campo della Biologia, delle Il Dipartimento di Bioscienze è luogo di ricerca d’eccellenza nei diversi ambiti delle scienze biologiche: da quelli della curiosity-driven nel campo delle ricerca di base, a quelli orientati verso le basi molecolari della vita e nella ricerca applicata volta a capire e combattere gravi patologie umane.

How to log-in: Professors, staff members, phds, postdocs: Students: Registered users: the username is the one you choosed during registration To book an appointment it is necessary to register in our website and access the Infostudenti service.
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forskollararens ansvar The office only receives by appointment. Book through the Infostudenti service, selecting ‘First year international students’ from the drop-down menu. Applicants who are not enrolled, yet, can register to the service..

For any other information, please contact the program secretariat:; tel. +39 02 503-16475. Please consult the degree course web site for further information and updates: . Studenti Unimi, Milan, Italy.

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matteuppgifter ak 6 att skriva ut To book an appointment it is necessary to register in our website and access the Infostudenti service. To receive guidance, choose a course and discover internships and job opportunities, contact COSP - Centro per l’Orientamento allo Studio e alle Professioni (Study and Career Guidance Centre)

Book through the Infostudenti service, selecting ‘First year international students’ from the drop-down menu. Applicants who are not enrolled, yet, can register to the service.. Students who forfeit an exam must promptly notify the Registrar through the Infostudenti Service. Students must submit another application through the online procedure, indicating the newly chosen exam session. Once paid, the graduation fee is valid for the new session also.

Students who forfeit an exam must promptly notify the Registrar through the Infostudenti Service. Students must submit another application through the online procedure, indicating the newly chosen exam session. Once paid, the graduation fee is valid for the new session also. Postponements are not allowed.

Orientarsi e  È possibile iscriversi al FOR24 di UNIMI se iscritti ad un corso di laurea in altro (

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